ordinary world: living the notorious life of a villian. yet always failing in missions and often being caught.
call to adventure: trying to become hero by creating new inventions that always fail. trying to top mr. goody-two-shoes, Metroman. (original hero)
refusal to call: Megamind decides that his real calling in life is to be the villian, so he stops trying to take over as hero, but decides to fulfill his villianous acts and behavior.
meeting with the mentor: Minion, his sidekick, and Megamind decide they are going to conquer Metro-man by striking him with the power of the sun. They decide that they can do it and they set up what needs to be done to accomplish their plan.
crossing the threshold: they conquer Metro-man. they themselves didn't even think that it would really work but they do, and now Megamind gains control over the town just as he has always dreamed.
tests, allies, enemies: after destructing the town, Megamind becomes bored... receiving ridicule from Roxanne, the town's lead news reporter, Megamind starts to question his motives and desire to take over the town. he starts to fall in love with Roxanne and losing the friendship of his best friend Minion, because he didn't stick to the plan.
approach: Megamind decides that he doesn't want to be the villian anymore. he wants to become the real, true hero, and to win the heart of Roxanne. in doing so, he decides to create another villian to take his place.
ordeal: Titan (newly created villian) turns on Megamind and disgards the plan because he finds out that his lifetime love, Roxanne as well, has become close with Megamind, his leader and trainer. Titan becomes angry and decides to destroy Megamind, instead of the city.
reward: Megamind has to truly save the town and the towns people realize that he truly is a hero. he threatens Titan to leave the town, and he does, leaving Roxanne to fully trust and him and gaining respect from the city.
the road back: Megamind takes on the roll of being hero, and people respect him for who he is and what he has done.
resurrection: Titan returns to the town and Megamind's full potential is realized while literally falling to his death. he realizes that the town really does need him now and revives himself to pull things together and to conquer Titan one and for all.
return with elixir: Megamind gets the girl, gets the town, and goes on living life as the hero he was born to be.
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