Sunday, March 27, 2011


By William Ernest Henley.

This poem has so much power. so much strength.
"I thank whatever gids may be For my unconquerable soul."
It talks about the crazy misfortunes, but powerful and conquerable he still comes out on top.
Words of confidence.
I wish I had the strength to be this powerful.
This powerful over myself.
To keep pushing, keep fighting, come off unconquerable.


Friday, March 18, 2011

What is Love?

Love is...
.setting aside your fears to help someone conquer theirs.
.jumping into water to save a life when you can't swim.
.quitting your job to be with your family.
.taking the bullet.
.carrying your child across the finish line.
.cancelling your plans to do what someone else wants to do.
.forgetting your anger and emotions to make someone else happy.
.letting that disabled boy swing the last bat in a tie breaker game.
.finding yourself thinking about nothing but the less fortunate.
.locking down a hospital and holding guns to heads until your boy gets his heart.



I'm Tired.
I'm tired of people judging me when they don't know what I'm going through.
.waiting for something I know isn't going to come.
.getting tickets.
.being dragged through this slow, slow last year of school.
.these walls each and every person has up.
.lies and justification.
.having to defend myself in every thing I do.
.the number 4. 4 tardies, 4 absenses.
.not having a job.
.having to work out.
.not knowing.
.putting in an effort when other people aren't.
.everything costing money.
.everything moving forward except for me.
I'm tired of unmet expectations.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Save The Kids

Here are some terrible names in the history of terrible names.
So just don't do it.

Harry. Ron. Hermione. to start...
Gilber. Ed. Jerry. Arnold. Ed. Jack. Carl. Bill. Jeremiah. Guy. Octavius. Lola. Clifford. Byron. Bruno. Augustus. Leo. Ricky. Phil. Albert. Beverly. Jeremy. Wilson. Dan. Franklin. Don. Buddy. Dennis. Cornelius. Fred. Gus. Mia. Giovani. Annabell. Ernest. Piper. Neil. Todd. Javier. Bobby. Cash. Cecil. Edgar. Claudia. Leroy. Usher. Beverly. Alvin. Keifer. Tony. Stewart. Wess. Kirby. Sebastian. Steve. Victor. Cathy. Conrad. Tina. Luther. Lloyd. Celeste. Bridget. Oswald. Spock. Laurence. Glen...and Vector.
